FISTS Down Under


Operating Signals

Operators often use the ‘Q’ code as a form of abbreviation. ‘Q’ signals can be in the form of a question or response and often use suffixes to convey additional information. For example:

Question – QTH? (What is your location?)

Answer – QTH Adelaide (My location is Adelaide.)

Some commonly used `Q’ signals are:

QRA?What is the name of your station?  
QRG?Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of … ?)
QRHYour frequency varies
QRK1-5The intelligibility of your signals is: 1 Bad, 2 Poor, 3 Fair, 4 Good, 5 Excellent
QRM1-5I am being interfered with: 1 Nil, 2 Slightly, 3 Moderately, 4 Severely, 5 Extremely
QRN1-5I am troubled by static: 1 Nil, 2 Slightly, 3 Moderately, 4 Severely, 5 Extremely
QROIncrease power (high power)
QRPDecrease power (low power, generally 5w or less on CW)
QRQ?Shall I send faster?
QRSSend more slowly (…words per minute)
QRTStop sending (or, I must stop sending… I will stop sending)
QRV?Are you ready?
QRX?When will you call me again?
QRXI will call you again at … hours (on … kHz or MHz, or QRX 3 mins)
QRZWho is calling me?
QSA1-5The strength of your signals (or those of …) is: 1 Scarcely perceptible, 2 Weak, 3 Fairly good, 4 Good, 5 Very Good
QSBYour signals are fading
QSL?Can you acknowledge receipt? Or “QSL” meaning I confirm
QSLI am acknowledging receipt
QSOI can communicate with … direct (or by relay through …)
QSP?Will you relay to … ?
QSPI will relay to …
QSXI am listening to (callsign/s) on … kHz or MHz
QSYChange to transmission on another frequency (or on … kHz or MHz)
QSZSend each word or group twice (or … times)
QTH?What is your location?
QTHMy location is …
QUM?May I resume normal working?
QUMNormal working may be resumed

With thanks to Ham College for this information.

For a complete list of Q-Codes download this PDF document.