FISTS Down Under
Contests, Awards & Certificates

Contests, Awards & Certificates

To apply for an award, email your application to Mark VK4MFX.


FISTS Down Under Worked most Band Slots 2023

This is a very simple Award…  the member with the highest number of worked slots for the year wins (WARC bands excluded).  Your log must be in Club Log. The winner will receive a certificate.

All Awards require applicants to submit their log, reference Club Log and sign an application that they operated in the spirit of the award and that all contacts were genuine. WARC bands not permitted. Read more here:

FISTS Down Under QRP Award

This award is modelled on the North American QRP CW Club 1,000 Miles per Watt Award

FISTS Down Under 1609km per watt award (1,000 miles per watt)

Make 5 QRP CW contacts using 5w or less in which the distance (miles) / power (watts) is greater than 1,000.

For example, the following would qualify for a contact:

  • Perth to Melbourne with 1w –  1,691 miles….  1691/1w = 1,691
  • Perth to Melbourne with 1.5w – 1,691/1.5w = 1,127
  • Melbourne to Sydney 443 miles at 0.4w = 1,107
  • Adelaide to Auckland 2,016 miles at 2w = 1,008
  • Wellington to Sydney 1,383 miles at 1.3w = 1063
  • Melbourne to Brisbane 854 miles at 0.8w = 1,067

The following (whilst a great qso ) would not qualify

  • Melbourne to Sydney 443 miles at 0.5w = 886

So, as you can see there are two levers you can adjust….  your power output and the distance of the station you work (and a third being the band as well).  You can QRV for more distant stations or maybe set up a sked via Discord or email. 

Categories: None

Endorsements: Single Band


You need to operate with 5w or less.  Please include a full description of your transceiver and antenna in your award application. Photos are great too.

Antenna: Simple wire antenna – dipole, random wire, EFHW, vertical (no beams)

The other station can be using any power level and any antenna.


Per NAQRP CW Club, our general rule that the power used to initiate a QSO is the power that counts.  You can’t start a QSO then keep lowering power to get a better MPW figure.

QSOs must be CW and sent using paddle, bug, key, cootie or keyboard

Include your log with five (5) QSOs detailing band, your power out, your antenna, station worked, RST, distance and claimed miles per watt.

If you can provide supporting evidence of the QSOs (eg. Clublog, LoTW, QSL Cards etc) this would help in assessing your application.  However, this is a trust-based award.


A PDF certificate will be issued. 

Everyone qualifying for the award will be listed on the FISTS Down Under website and all members and friends will be notified via the Newsletter and Facebook.

Calculating QSO distance:

Here are a couple of useful resources to help you calculate distances.


Please direct any questions to the FDU Committee.

Worked VK/ZL Award

Work every call area VK1 through VK8 (DXCC VK Entity only – VK9 and VK0 are excluded from this award.) and ZL (North & South Islands)


  1. You must make at least one QSO with each of the following using CW:
    1. call areas VK1 through VK8 and
    1. ZL (North Isl) and
    1. ZL(South Isl)
  2. A valid contact must include the exchange of callsigns, signal reports, location, and names as a minimum.  For ZL you must include QTH or confirmation of the station’s Island (North or South).  For VK you must provide QTH of station worked to confirm their state of operation (noting VK now has callsign mobility)
  3. Valid bands are 160 – 10m
  4. You must operate within the limits of your licence qualification.
  5. Categories:
    1. Category A – unrestricted
    1. Category B – QRP (5 watts)
    1. Category C – QRPp (1 watt or less)
  6. You can apply for endorsements – worked all VK/ZL per band
  7. There is no time limit on QSOs you can include in your application, other than all QSOs must be on or after 1 July 2023
  8. All operation is to be conducted in the spirit of Amateur Radio and FISTS Down Under
  9. FISTS Down Under Committee may make reasonable enquiries to confirm the validity of claimed contacts. The applicant will cooperate with such enquiries.
  10. The FISTS Down Under Committee reserves the right to reject an application.

How to apply:

Email your log to vk3qb(at) and ppavey(at)

The following formats are acceptable:

  • Photo or scan of a paper log
  • Digital format (excel, word, ADIF)
  • Photo of QSL cards to accompany a log sheet

A statement in your email that you have complied with the rules and spirit of the award.

Any questions to committee please.